Doodles with the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4

Zentangle Pattern.

So this is what I’ve been doodling on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S4, mandala-style doodly things. I’ve also seen that calling things like this ‘zentangles‘ is a thing, seems to be a term they coined for their experience and method of what many of us just call our doodling style. I’ve been doing it this way since my teens, and it’s cool that they provided a method for people to learn. Worth a look, it’s a fun way to pass the time.

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Flower photography, crafts and playing with alcohol inks

Orange Crocosmia flowers.

The UK heatwave has fizzled out (for now, with the current climate who knows what will actually happen), it’s under 20°C, grey and windy. I am a very happy bunny as far as that goes, just feeling generally tired. Being able to sleep without wanting to climb out of my own skin to cool off will probably help. Creatively speaking I got a few photos taken before it rained again, so I’m sharing a few here, the rest are up on Flickr. Photos below, along with crafty bits.

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The holiday crafting week conclusion

Rainbow watercolours.

My holiday ends today (boo!), so here’s the follow-on from the previous holiday crafting update. It’s been a really good week off, with good weather that didn’t get too hot for me until yesterday. Today I’m pretty sluggish and feel like sleeping all day. I may well do that anyway, I’m still on holiday and there’s nothing pressing to do. I achieved most of what I wanted to along with some things I hadn’t planned on. I ‘lost’ a day to that epic photography session, but that’s fine as I was still creating and I had fun (I’ve also got a whole bunch more photographs from yesterday, but don’t feel like sorting them today). In turn the watermelon hasn’t been photographed (though maybe later, the eating it part is tempting, so the photography will happen at the same time) and I didn’t get some planned drawing done. Again, that’s fine, I can do that in the evenings after work.

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Holiday crafting update

Repeating flower wallpaper.

I’m halfway through my holiday, and I have been eating ice cream, and lounging in the hammock. I’m planning on going to the beach at some point, possibly tomorrow if the nice weather holds. I have also been arting and crafting as planned and generally having some fun. There are some photos on the camera, but I’ve not sorted them yet, and probably won’t get them posted today.

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Photos from the past few days and some crafty experimenting

Fox-and-cubs flowers.

It’s been a busy few days, but I did manage to take a few photos (I have a list of things to photograph that I haven’t gotten around to yet), and some crafty things (you can see those below the photo thumbnails). The photos are of a few triffids in the sky, mostly roses, more of which can be found on Flickr.

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Welcome to Trump’s America (or the art of being angry)

It seems these days I’m always angry. Usually at various governments and Nazis, and often at ‘phobes of various flavours. Right now it’s the US government’s treatment of immigrants (not that the UK government is any better with this, fuck you Theresa May and your Tory puppeteers), in particular the separating of children from their parents and the subsequent mistreatment of those children. Angry doesn’t really describe I feel about this. Incandescent with rage is perhaps closer. Enough that my brain threw an image at me, and I felt compelled to actually do a piece of political art to vent my feelings. It didn’t make me feel any less angry, but I feel better for having channelled it.

Artwork with a child's red shoe pinned to a fence with the pole of a tattered American flag. The fence alludes to the shape of a cross. A blue sign below reads Welcome to Trump's America, population whites only. There is barbed wire wrapped around the sign, fence and flag pole.

Getting crafty: Avengers keyring made from melted pony beads

I made some fridge magnets a while back using an Avengers silicon ice cube tray sent to me by @pith by melting pony beads in them. It worked really well, and I’ve been meaning to make a purple one as a keyring (Hawkeye, natch). I got around to it today (and made a few more for more magnets), so I wrote up how to do it because I know a couple of people were interested. So if you want to make these yourself, I’ve got the full instructions up over on Instructables.

And while I’m mentioning Instructables, I feel like I should show off my table made from cardboard, duct tape and papier mache. It won third prize in the 2016 cardboard contest. I’m still pretty chuffed with it, we use it as the bedside table in the spare room.

Keyring of a purple Avengers logo. A rectangular white table with red mosaic patters around the edges and floral mosaic decoration in the middle.