Experimenting with photographing things on a purple background

Pink rose petals.

Playing with a light purple background. It’s just a sheet of card with my little LED globe lights to brighten things up a bit, I’m pretty pleased with the results so I’ll experiment with more colours at some point. I may also invest in a light box with LED strips as it’s going to provide better and more consistent lighting than positioning what basically amounts to night lights for kids. I have done peacock feathers in the past, but we’re talking 10 years ago with a lower resolution camera, so they were due a re-do. The feathers were cheap with the tops chopped off, so I might get some better feathers and do them again.

As usual, there are a whole bunch more up on Flickr, so head on over there. I’m also posting random stuff quite a bit on Instagram, so feel free to follow me over there for shots of goth as heck ice creams, views from hammocks, and Jake being fluffy (though he’s been hiding in his nests to escape the heat, so less of those right now).

In fun news, I’m on holiday for a week now, so hoping to get some art and craft projects done. After sleeping. And replacing the laptop fan (may the gods help me).

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Bright flowers stare into the inky black void

White chickweed flowers on a black background.

Today has been so much better than yesterday that I’ve actually had the energy to take, sort and post photos to Flickr, and get a blog post up. Go me! Flowers (and some bracken) on a black background. Produced by putting black card behind the flowers, angling it so the background is as dark as possible (mostly cloudy day helped), and then tweaking the brightness and contrast a bit to make it properly back in post-processing. The tricky part is getting it so the background is dark enough to make editing the editing for impact worthwhile. There are nearly thirty of these, so head on over to Flickr if you’d like to see more.

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