Latest update on the transition journey

Rainbow Watercolour.

Been a while, I’ve been occupied with other things that I really should post about (crafting stuff, I have an Etsy store now!), but posting now because there’s gender stuff that needs logging. Other stuff may happen now this is done.

I had a Gender Identity Clinic appointment today about deciding not to have a hysterectomy. Long story short, I was suffering panic attacks, insomnia and depression, and when I worked out it was about surgery and decided not to have it, all that stress went away. There were other concerns, too (like if we no deal brexit, how fucked is the NHS and can I afford to pay for testosterone?), but the main one was that I knew that I would regret it if I had the surgery. I absolutely do not want to end up as a transgender regrets statistic, because as of right now the only ‘regret’ I have is not being able to transition sooner. Surgery just seems unnecessary and invasive at this point, especially as I don’t have excessive dysphoria about my nether regions (I may do if I wasn’t basically asexual, but I am, so it’s a non-issue), and all I wanted was to stop heavy, painful periods on a 3 week cycle because, trans or cis, it’s something that sucks.

Anyhow, I went in to the appointment ready for battle, explained what happened and my feelings on the matter, doc says, ‘Oh, why don’t we try Depo Provera?’, to which I smiled and nodded enthusiastically, because that’s what I wanted when all this started 2 years back. My first appointment back in 2017 about all this was with a nurse who basically said surgery was the only option and it was about time to get rid of the reproductive bits anyway, because cANcER, at which point she referred me to the doc to sort it. So this will be why Depo it was never actually discussed.

In hindsight I’m Very Annoyed with her, because that’s two years of heavy, painful periods and fucking around wasting appointments other people could have used. We had a phone appointment a couple of months back, and she was all bright and cheery until I said I wasn’t having surgery and I should get an appointment with the doc to discuss things. She went suddenly very cold and lecturing, citing new NHS guidelines saying blockers etc aren’t given after 6 months on testosterone, and a hysterectomy was best because of the CaNCeR risk (seriously, she was really big on the cancer thing).

Her implication was that the doc would agree with her, hence me getting ready to battle. The doc was totally relaxed and agreed with me about my concerns and wanting to try something less invasive, and said everything I was prepared to say about the link between testosterone and cancer in trans guys is theoretical and so minuscule it’s not really worth worrying about unless you have epic family history, just make sure to get the usual screenings done. Was one of the simplest appointments I’ve had, and I’m now discharged back into GP care. Hurray!

So now I’m looking back and WTFing about the nurse’s attitude and wondering if that was some weird gatekeepery shit based on what she thinks a proper trans person should do or some such bullshit. Though we’re talking about the same nurse who insists on calling testosterone ‘boy juice‘ which is cringeful enough without taking into consideration that I was 38 bloody years old when she said that to me (I’m 99% certain I have at least 5 years on her in age), and she said boys were shit at taking meds despite me saying I have to take meds daily to keep me alive, and don’t have a problem. It evidently didn’t fit with her world view. Anyway, maybe now I can just get on with life without stressing about all of this.

Also, they paid travel expenses, which is nice.

The State of the Red, February 2019

Long time no post. I do this, have rashes of posting things and being creative, then hibernating for a stretch. Or I’ll be creative and not get around to posting everywhere. If you’re following me on Instagram, then you know I’ve been alive posting photos (mostly of cooking and Jake) and some artwork.

I’ve not been doing anything more serious photography-wise than phone snaps, though I have got some stuff from August and October last year that I’m going through. One set was a project I wasn’t happy with at the time and needed some distance, the others are flowers that I didn’t post because the other project was lurking. There’s not been much of overwhelming interest to take photos of over the Winter, and I haven’t been anywhere all that interesting. Spring is around the corner, though, so expect lots more flower photos again when they all start poking their noses out.

It was my 40th birthday last year, so with a combination of a work bonus and pay raise, I bought myself a Samsung Galaxy Tab S4. This is 10.1″ tablet with S-Pen technology, which means you can use it as an art tablet. I’ve been doodling quite a bit on it, and have posted some of them to Instagram. I’ll do an art post here later. My dad got me a swanky new mattress, which arrived two weeks ago, and my body hasn’t been this ache-free in years. My sister got me the Epson EcoTank 7750 photo quality A3 printer (she got it me early for extra playtime). It’s amazing, the ink doesn’t seem to run out. I’ve printed a few photos, a couple at A3 size, and the quality is awesome. I also printed my own wrapping paper with it for Christmas.

I finally got my referral letter from Leeds to go ahead with the hysterectomy surgery. Only took them 8 months to get a locum to sign the thing. So that should be happening this year, and as it’s routine surgery, shouldn’t take as long as everything else does when you’re going through a GIC. Current game is if the surgeon will contact me before Brexit or not.

On the subject of Brexit, I finally got off my backside and put in the application for my first adult passport. Not because I’m planning on going anywhere (need to save up for that), but mainly because if Brexit does happen, I don’t trust the government to not make the whole process more annoying and complicated than it already is, especially for trans people. Also, red passport.

Games played… Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Since release. Because it’s one huge, fun, awesome game. I took a break to replay the Castlevania Lords of Shadow games because they became backwards compatible on Xbox One, and have also got a game of Darksiders going while I wait for the next AC DLC chapter and Devil May Cry 5. It’s okay, and looks to be short. Next epic game (DMC5 won’t be very long) will probably be Dark Souls III, which I had no plans of playing, but my sister is persuasive.

Otherwise I’ve been plodding on, family and Jake are fine, we’re just all freezing our toes off. Roll on, spring!

Now I just need to remember how the Flickr plugins on here work…